Театр Балета Константина Тачкина



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21.06.2007 14:27  //  Jeff Ott
Looking forward to seeing everyone, Northampton welcomes you.
04.05.2007 14:26  //  Michelle
Please keep coming back to South Africa, your performances are brilliant.
04.05.2007 09:51  //  Melanie
You are all wonderful, and one day i hope to meet you when you come to Hamilton, New Zealand. I also hope to ( in about 3-6 years) dance in your company. It would be a honour to meet you all!
14.04.2007 13:31  //  Ashley Kay-Hards
Hi I\'m just writing to say Thank you so much for encouraging me even further to dance. I don\'t know any dancer from the SPBT but I can say that I am so proud of you. Everyone was so amazing, everything was done with such precision the costumes, the dancing, the back drops. And siting in the theatre I realised what dance is all about how you dance it making whatever part you play come alive. THANK YOU!
30.03.2007 18:48  //  Marita Kotze
Please book me for Swan Lake one 13 April 2007 Row a1&2. I wish to pay using internet

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